Hard Work, Hardwood, Good Business

Brent Coursey doesn’t look like a man who makes a living selling wood. Sixty-one years have left Coursey with chiseled wrinkles and deep blue eyes glazed slightly red from decades of rising before the sun. Yet his clothing seems to have come from a dVanderbilt University fraternity brother’s closet. Khaki pants and a button up […]

Bar Sovereign: The best bar you’ve never heard of, until now

Try driving past Nashville’s newest bar three times, cursing at Siri for leaving you stranded on a deserted side street and your gas light flickering on just as you realize you’re idling in front of a strip club. And it’s raining. Where this new bar might be tucked away is anyone’s guess, but luckily, the […]

Amazing Graze

Trek through the muddy meadow. Wipe the dried grass off the bottom of your shoes. The thick air smells of fresh manure and sawdust. Fields of open grass surround neat meadows. There is not a weed in sight. There is only the blood curdling sounds of screaming goats. Hundreds of sure-footed creatures calmly graze around […]

Nashville Talking Library speaks for itself

The library nestles next to the Davidson County Clerk’s office, in a building with green awnings that blends into the foliage around it.   Inside, it’s a state building. Cinderblock walls. Static carpet. Orange wooden furniture.   People often wander in on accident. Thinking the space an extension of the clerk’s office, they ignore the […]